Our work and life is complex, multilevel, and often unpredictable. Organizations are challenged to adapt their business models and internal processes steadily to the needs of their customers and to social, technological and environmental changes. Developing innovative solutions are increasingly essential.
The key is to have people at the right time, at the right place, on all levels. People who do the right thing, who have and refine the critical core competencies and who bring them to the team.
Professional personnel development is able to provide smart answers, minimize entrepreneurial risks and create opportunities and chances. My approach fosters a leadership culture that focuses continuous learning, delivers sustainable results, and inspires and engages the employees.
This way, in my experience, people develop trust in the management and the organization that both the whole and the individual are seen and cared for, balancing heart and reasoning. This trust, built up by daily actions, increases the number of employees who earnestly engage in the growth of the company, and who can be relied upon in tough times. Thus, organisations become attractive as employers, and create a solid base for present and future challenges.
“Joachim is a highly appreciated sparring partner and “think tank” for current and future HR topics. We are definitely not getting anything off-the-shelf. He conveys creativity, inspiration, freshness and is a catalyst on eye level for various target groups – we find this combination to be particularly enriching. We receive a fantastic response throughout our business and HR partners and highly appreciate this successful cooperation.”
“Joachim is a wonderful Mentor – I am really excited by the results that Joachim has brought to both my professional and my personal development. Since working together, I recognize a higher performance and satisfaction in my team, and enhanced acknowledgement of my leadership. Thus reinforced, I felt my scope expanding which very much eased taking over the new role.”
“For us as midsize enterprise group, we entered new terrain with the use of assessments and development centres. The quality of the results definitely topped our expectations. We especially appreciated the hands-on and clear development recommendations for our staff, offering us solid support and personal advice for our personnel career decisions.”
“I appreciate Joachim’s diligent view on the specific corporate context, as well as his engaged, solution focused attitude. With his differentiated observations and his spot on feedbacks, he manages to embrace his counterparts’ growth potential and inspire their development. Through this approach, we are convinced we can strengthen their competencies, foster a learning culture and high-performance teams, and to create added value for the company.”
“Over the last 15 years, I got to work with Joachim providing behavioural assessments in a variety of settings. As colleague, as consultant and as assessor he approaches others in a positive, self-confident and appropriately self-reflective manner. I see him to be sincere, approachable and modest. The cooperation with him has always been effective, pleasant and trustworthy.”
“My connection with Joachim comes through many years of working together primarily as contractor for behavioural assessments of senior management and executives. I value his objectivity and clear judgment, his adaptability to differing needs of our internal clients, his expertise, and his empathy, particularly in difficult situations. In addition, he continually contributed to the development of assessment simulations with creativity, knowledge and professionalism.”
“I got to know Joachim’s open-minded and interested personality as he interacted eye to eye with our managers of all backgrounds and levels of responsibility. His integrity and responsible attitude is very much esteemed within our company.”
“With Joachim Hübner we introduced over several years personnel selection procedures in ten countries. Through his dealings with the different stakeholders, we strongly relied on him as an adept expert and a discrete and energetic partner. The results and his integrating, uncomplicated and efficient approach was continually reassuring, and contributed to the success of our international activities.”
“In the cooperation with Joachim it was his intuition that impressed me, with which he steered us and focused on the important issues for all involved – more than the roles and hierarchies – creating an inspiring learning experience. I could immediately apply much of this in the next team meeting, and, in the long term, a recognizable mutual trust developed within the company.”
“Collaborating with Joachim I discover time and again interesting insights into my observation and evaluation patterns that help me in my daily work with my employees and colleagues. I always enjoy the change of perspective that he offers. Great experience, highly recommendable.”
You want to identify suitable employees? Nominate internal staff? Have to decide between different applicants? Need a second opinion?
During an individual assessment, the participant works on multiple challenges, directly related to the requirements of the future role at stake. It’s like a flight simulator for business life. Online and computer based tools often support the process, helping to raise objectivity and to reduce costs. We benchmark the demonstrated behaviour and performance to a profile. Participants receive detailed feedback to complete the process.
Acknowledged standards (e.g. AK Assessment Center (PDF); SwissAssessment (LINK); DIN 33430) and long-standing experience ensure the process to be utmost objective, reliable and fair. The latter is especially important for the long-term reputation of your company, as applicants usually share their experience. As a professional assessment provider, and in order to avoid conflicts of interests, I am not involved in the search for applicants nor head-hunting.
Development Center
You want to stimulate your experts and management team through an exciting, enabling approach?
Development Centers (DC) make use of the basic range of the Assessment Center methodology – in this case focusing on mutual learning, motivation and a clear priority on strengths and activating resources. (Video-)Feedbacks, new inputs, training elements and reflexion create momentum and instant take-aways. Based on these insights and results, goals are defined and development initiatives explored.
This relational approach consciously softens the classic distinction between participants and observers to allow an open and natural exchange. It fosters contact and partnership, with a direct impact on your daily corporate culture. As design essentials, clear communication of the DC aims and the transparent, appreciative process are the key.
Observer Training
You want to support your managers in fine-tuning, expanding and strengthening their observational and assessment competencies?
To do justice to the way people are, we need to strengthen our resources/toolbox for understanding and evaluating the people around us. I’ll provide you with an overview of psychological research on perception and information processing. This is a powerful approach which we can combine with one’s own daily experience. On top of this, we usually learn a lot about ourselves too. The immediate, open exchange between participants in the company creates strong benefit. As they explore, share and understand both individual preferences and common ground in their leadership practice, they build trust and pull together as management team.
You want to support your managers in fine-tuning, expanding and strengthening their observational and assessment competencies?
To do justice to the way people are, we need to strengthen our resources/toolbox for understanding and evaluating the people around us. I’ll provide you with an overview of psychological research on perception and information processing. This is a powerful approach which we can combine with one’s own daily experience. On top of this, we usually learn a lot about ourselves too. The immediate, open exchange between participants in the company creates strong benefit. As they explore, share and understand both individual preferences and common ground in their leadership practice, they build trust and pull together as management team.
You are looking for a coach, for yourself or your staff? You want to deal better with a challenging situation? Or explore solutions to dynamics which often touch on both professional and personal matters?
I see coaching from a partnering perspective – as an encounter, in which I offer to be a sparring partner and professional companion. Typical topics include finding one’s own leadership style, forming work relationships, taking over of new roles and responsibilities, dealing with change, resilience and work-life-balance.
My approach is enthused by systems thinking, Gestalt and humanistic psychology and a whole lot of other methodologies, trainings and personal exchanges that I found useful along the way. The settings vary: the good old face-to-face conversation, online/remote communication, a photo atelier, walk-and-talk in an urban park or as part of a mountain tour – why not?
Talent development concepts and succession planning
You seek a sparring and support in the design of your talent development approach?
Personnel- and management development is a complex, multi-level process. Vital is to harmonize the different starting points, interests and initiatives. In larger organisations with a range of different stakeholders, diligent internal communication and the longer-term horizon of your concepts and initiatives are essential. In small to midsize businesses, it is often critical to find clearly targeted and down-to-earth measures and pragmatic processes, leading to immediate results.
Competency models
You want to develop a new competency model? Or revise an existing one?
Competency models serve as common language to establish desired behaviours and skills in the organisation. With a particular benefit: the development of a company-specific model offers a chance to foster an exchange at management level on core values and success factors, and how they translate into observable, day to day actions. Alignment with the internal performance management increases the goal-orientation and strategy understanding within the company.
Development of tailor-made instruments and selection of suitable tools
You want to have instruments that are nicely fitted to the situation in your company? Or wonder which standardized instruments to use?
Within assessments and development centers, tailor-made scenarios and simulations succeed to image the success related situations in your organisation. The creation of these instruments is intricate – but it is worthwhile the effort. Given my long-standing design experience for various branches, functions and hierarchy levels, you can rely on effective collaboration and state-of-the-art results. Depending on the overall concept, I develop these instruments in paper/pencil format or as online variant.
The proper selection of standardized, commercially available tools demands psychological and test specific knowledge. Digitalization and big data driven new approaches provide some interesting opportunities – with varying degrees of maturity and research backing. Given the big range of options, I am pleased to support you identifying the ones that fit your purpose.
Holistic integration of assessments and DC’s in the overall personnel and organisational processes
You want your instruments and procedures to be in line with the overall strategy?
An external view and benchmark experience from other organisations and industries offer you a new and additional perspective on the status-quo, and we can explore potential areas for improvements. By including the various internal stakeholders and client perspectives, the reputation of HR as well-integrated and well-founded service provider gets enhanced. On top, this boosts the effectiveness and returns of the tools and processes.
I am an assessment specialist, catalyst, coach and process designer for talent and culture development departments. I support companies that appreciate precise analysis, reasonable procedures and an inspiring learning culture. My aim is to help people grow. I offer many years experience of consulting, long-standing client relationships and over a 1000 assessments and coachings in many industries and countries.
• Chartered occupational psychologist (DIPL.-PSYCH.), major in management diagnostics, University of Constance
• Music Studies at Ali Akbar College of Music, San Rafael USA
• Education in systemic therapy and counselling at IFW Weinheim / IGST Heidelberg
• Training in organisational development, strategic human resource management, executive coaching, Ashridge London
• Education in Psychooncology, ID Institut Kassel
• Certified Mountain Guide (UIAA)
• Eight years consulting at midsize consulting firm, specialized on management development and potential analysis. At last responsibility for international business development.
• 2009: Foundation of JOACHIM HÜBNER CONSULTING / HPOE with a focus on management development, assessment and coaching
• Key account management in Europe, Russia, Egypt, South Africa, USA, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Middle East
• Long-standing client relationships
• Broad branch experience in banking, insurance, industry, automotive, logistics, health, tourism
• Interdisciplinary mandates, project lead and cooperation with network partners
• Counselling and conflict mediation for parents and families at public help desk
• Project work, team development and coaching at reintegration project for job seekers
• Counselling for cancer-patients at public hospital in Villingen-Schwenningen
• Adjunct Ashridge Consulting / HULT, London
• Lecturer School of Management and Law Zürich, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
• Mountain guiding and ten years honorary youth work at local alpine club
Ashridge HULT
BMR Maschinenringe
Credit Suisse
Dena Deutsche Energie Agentur
Deutsche Bank
Fujitsu Siemens
HTWG Konstanz
MZSG Management Zentrum St. Gallen
Salem College
SBK Schwarzwald-Baar-Klinikum
SPK Managementakademie Bonn
Zeppelin University
“I got to know Joachim’s open-minded and interested personality as he interacted eye to eye with our managers of all backgrounds and levels of responsibility. His integrity and responsible attitude is very much esteemed within our company.”
Peter Hertz, Senior Director Corporate Human Resources, Hapag-Lloyd AG
“Joachim is a highly appreciated sparring partner and “think tank” for current and future HR topics. We are definitely not getting anything off-the-shelf. He conveys creativity, inspiration, freshness and is a catalyst on eye level for various target groups – we find this combination to be particularly enriching. We receive a fantastic response throughout our business and HR partners and highly appreciate this successful cooperation.”
Sandra Kaiser, People Development & Culture, TUI Deutschland
“My connection with Joachim comes through many years of working together primarily as contractor for behavioural assessments of senior management and executives. I value his objectivity and clear judgment, his adaptability to differing needs of our internal clients, his expertise, and his empathy, particularly in difficult situations. In addition, he continually contributed to the development of assessment simulations with creativity, knowledge and professionalism.”
Andreas Melcher, Global Head of Assessment & Selection, Credit Suisse
“For us as midsize enterprise group, we entered new terrain with the use of assessments and development centres. The quality of the results definitely topped our expectations. We especially appreciated the hands-on and clear development recommendations for our staff, offering us solid support and personal advice for our personnel career decisions.”
Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Hochrein, Managing Director, SKZ – Das Kunststoff-Zentrum
“With Joachim Hübner we introduced over several years personnel selection procedures in ten countries. Through his dealings with the different stakeholders, we strongly relied on him as an adept expert and a discrete and energetic partner. The results and his integrating, uncomplicated and efficient approach was continually reassuring, and contributed to the success of our international activities.”
Nicole Tillack, Manager Training Asia, Pacific, Africa, Eastern Europe, BMW AG
“Collaborating with Joachim I discover time and again interesting insights into my observation and evaluation patterns that help me in my daily work with my employees and colleagues. I always enjoy the change of perspective that he offers. Great experience, highly recommendable.”
Martin Schreck, Managing Director TUI InfoTec GmbH / CIO Contracting & Inventory TUI Group
“In the cooperation with Joachim it was his intuition that impressed me, with which he steered us and focused on the important issues for all involved – more than the roles and hierarchies – creating an inspiring learning experience. I could immediately apply much of this in the next team meeting, and, in the long term, a recognizable mutual trust developed within the company.”
Armin Jansen, Manager International Assignments, ALSTOM
“I appreciate Joachim’s diligent view on the specific corporate context, as well as his engaged, solution focused attitude. With his differentiated observations and his spot on feedbacks, he manages to embrace his counterparts’ growth potential and inspire their development. Through this approach, we are convinced we can strengthen their competencies, foster a learning culture and high-performance teams, and to create added value for the company.”
Sandra Humbel, Expert Management Development, Helsana AG
“Over the last 15 years, I got to work with Joachim providing behavioural assessments in a variety of settings. As colleague, as consultant and as assessor he approaches others in a positive, self-confident and appropriately self-reflective manner. I see him to be sincere, approachable and modest. The cooperation with him has always been effective, pleasant and trustworthy.”
Dr. Raimund Birri, Director & Global Head of Human Capital Evaluation and Processes (a.D.), Banking
“Joachim is a wonderful Mentor – I am really excited by the results that Joachim has brought to both my professional and my personal development. Since working together, I recognize a higher performance and satisfaction in my team, and enhanced acknowledgement of my leadership. Thus reinforced, I felt my scope expanding which very much eased taking over the new role.”
Mathias Gehring, Chief Digital Officer TUI Deutschland
Goal: Career advancement of high potentials for young professionals (YP) and department leaders (DL) and retention
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Goal: Quality assurance of core competencies of existing and new high potentials on director and managing director level
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Goal: Improvement of sales and customer satisfaction by more qualified sales representative and managers and higher staff binding
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Goal: Identification of international leaders with upper management career potential
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Goal: Fostering of cross-departmental and cross-functional collaboration and development of a shared leadership approach in clinic
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Goal: Job-Person-Culture-Fit of internal staff during restructuring phase and external identification of branch manager
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Goal: Advancement of development and assessment processes from trainee to upper management level
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